Small Rustic Wooden Urn with Cross Hardwood varieties combine to make this small Rustic wooden urn with Cross. Hand-crafting creates a down home look. Contrasting wood showcases the cross. Secure...
Small Hardwood Urn with Winged Angel Hardwood of various shades and colors are skillfully appliqued on to this graceful wooden urn. Superior quality solid wood urn features oak, black walnut,...
Adult Solid Oak Tower Urn This Adult Solid oak tower urn with a hand-cut artisan applique showcases Praying Hands in a lighter tone. Beautifully made by skilled craftsmen. This urn...
Adult Solid Oak Tower Urn Tower Urn with a hand-cut artisan applique showcases Praying Hands. Beautifully made by skilled craftsmen. This urn features perfectly mitered edges and a beautiful luster...
Adult Solid Oak Tower Urn This Adult Solid oak tower urn with a hand-cut artisan applique showcases Texas. Beautifully made by skilled craftsmen. This urn features perfectly mitered edges and...
Adult Solid Oak Tower Urn This Adult Solid oak tower urn with a hand-cut artisan applique showcases Michigan. Beautifully made by skilled craftsmen. This urn features perfectly mitered edges and...
Extra Small Solid Oak Urn This Extra Small Solid Oak Urn features a hand-cut artisan-designed Indian applique. Unusual in its design, the easy-opening top secures with a heavy-duty metal closure....
Extra Small Solid Oak Urn This Extra Small Solid Oak Urn features a hand-cut artisan-designed Gator applique. Beautifully made by skilled craftsmen. This urn has perfectly mitered edges and a...