Promotion Restrictions

  • Discounts only apply for orders placed using our website and NOT for orders placed over the phone or email. 
  • Only one discount is available with each transaction.
  • Free shipping only applies in the Continental United States (see below)
  • Clearance, Imperfect Selection, 50% off sales, Daily Specials, or any other promotion are excluded.
Promotional offers may be modified or terminated at any time without notice.


Free Shipping
FREE ground shipping is available for online orders only of at least $750 within the continental United States.

Items from the following categories are excluded from free shipping (In order to apply this promotion, please make sure you don't have any of these products in your shopping cart):  

  • Imperfect
  • Clearance
  • Non-stocked items (urns by another brands)
  • Marble (Cultured and Genuine)
  • Special Order Items (e.g. Engraved, Custom pictures, etc.)
  • Rock Salt Urns
  • Cases of Chinese-made urns [A010, B037, B038, PY06’s, PY01’s]

Orders qualifying for free shipping will be sent via UPS Ground Service or via a freight service.

If your order is elegible for free shipping no other coupons offer, special sale, promotion or reduce price (advertised or unadvertised) can be used in the same order. Please place a separate order for these items.